Gold Star books

12 products

12 products
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A bilingual introduction to family-related words in both English and Arabic, encouraging early language development.
A bilingual introduction to family-related words in both English and Arabic, encouraging early language development.
My family/ عائلتي
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 A timeless lesson in understanding, tolerance, and diversity.
 A timeless lesson in understanding, tolerance, and diversity.
Salma and Laila/ سلمى و ليلي
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I love being Clean/ أنا أحب النظافة
Sarah is caring for a berry tree in her sunny village
Sarah is caring for a berry tree in her sunny village
Tuta Tuta/ توتة توتة
An Arabic children’s book about Ali, his mischievous cat, and a chase in the souk.
An Arabic children’s book about Ali, his mischievous cat, and a chase in the souk.
Kaak/ كعك
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I love Celebration/ أنا أحب الأحتفال
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Afraid/ خووويف
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My Teacher is a Witch/ معلمتي ساحرة
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A Very Naughty Cat/ قط شقي جداً
Where did the Dinosaur hide?/ أين أختبأ الديناصور؟
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